Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Flow

Life has its ebbs and its flows and it is definitely flowing for me right now.
I feel blessed not only to be experiencing this flow but also blessed to be switched on enough to recognize it.

Recently in my life I’ve met an incredibly supportive man who enriches and enhances my life. This naturally brings a smile to my face every day.

I’ve  been fortunate enough to be a part of the recent Fetish Expo at the Fitzroy Town Hall during which I spent many, many hours on my feet talking to a wide range of people who stopped to chat and watch me paint. This was a wonderful chance to get genuine feedback and I was buzzing the whole day. (Naturally the next day was spent chilling out in the bath with a bottle of vino and my own personal foot masseur).

My studio is complete and I’m fully moved in.

I’ve also been offered to be a part of a new monthly evening which will bring together a range people of varying artistic persuasions. It’s flattering to be asked and exciting to be involved with new ventures at the ground level. (I promise to post details of this event once details have been nailed down. Naturally I want many people to attend and help make this a success)

I’m thrilled with the ease of this blogging business even if it is only a forum for me to vent, explore and ruminate. I’m getting some feedback and sales through Red Bubble too – now that I’ve figured out the technical settings of getting message alerts…..

I had a grand plan for this year to get more serious about my art and though it may have taken to August to get the ball rolling – watch out people , there’s no stopping it now! 


  1. I am so fucking happy for you right now I won't even excuse my bluntness in inappropriate language! X

    1. Sometimes vehemence via strong language is entirely appropriate. Thank you.
