Monday, June 16, 2014

an illuminating few days.

We do what we think is best at the time. When we know better, the important point is to do better.

I’ve had an illuminating few days.

Firstly, I’ve realised that I have the capacity to miss someone. I’ve never missed anyone in my life. I’ve heard the words said to me and heard them convincingly in movies but I’ve never missed anyone. I always thought this was a good thing as it meant I was happy and content in myself not needing anyone to make my life complete.

I’m still happy and content in myself and don’t believe I need anyone to make my life complete but I’ve discovered that I do, in fact, have the capacity to miss someone in my life. Part of it is no doubt is the gap in connection via text, message etc as he was in a different time zone and working to boot. He’s been interstate before for a few days but I didn’t feel it then. Is it where we are in our relationship right now? I don’t know but there’ll be a test when I go overseas in a couple of weeks. Interesting times.....

Secondly, I also was able to spend some time and get some advice from an experienced member of Australia’s art scene. I got some honest feedback and constructive advice. And yes, I am going to take it on. Nothing too unexpected was shared. It was all about taking the next, necessary steps in order to get to the next level.  Now I know better, I’m on my way to doing better.

I’ve learnt a lot recently and I plan to just keep on learning!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Next big thing

This last weekend I was fortunate to share in a delightful reunion of our mothers group that was first formed over 16 years ago. What follows below is my response to a conversation that inspired after a vino or three. We were discussing how supported we all felt when we had our wee ones and would bring any issues to our mothers' group. Our eldest kids are now 16 years of age but that kind of supportive environment is never redundant. 

Most of us are blessed to be in a position to explore new directions right now. It transpired though that being somewhat accountable could help push us along to reach new goals.

So we have given ourselves six months to achieve our personal, self-set goals.

Below is what I have submitted. 


to explore mediums other than painting acrylics on canvas
to explore 'vessel' - the term, what it looks like, feels like etc


I know it's vague but, for me, that's how I roll artistically/creatively. When I start I only have an indistinct idea. I've tried starting with clearer thoughts of the end product but it only constricts me, doesn't allow me free reign and I pretty much always end up dispirited and disappointed. 
I need freedom to play, to explore... to be wrong.

Practical steps
I'm planning to partake in open pottery sessions at my local Living and Learning centre 
I'm re-visiting my love of crochet - some pieces will be stiffened with the use of a simple sugar syrup (combining my foodie bent?)
I'm planning to play with paper-mache and see where that takes me.


I had a dream that I created milky porcelain vessels, held in both hands they were supped from.
They were almost breast shaped (doesn't take a genius to see connection there) though slightly almond, tear-drop shaped also. 

Anyway - that's my two-cents worth.

I'm planning on collating everyone's ideas/plans and sharing them amongst us all as I don't wish to be the keeper of information but rather a co-facilitator. We shall all hold each others' ideas amongst us as a group.Many years ago we nurtured each others' children. Now we can nurture each others' ideas. What beautiful symmetry!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Wild dreams I'll probably never pursue

Narrow boat holiday through East Anglia.
Leisurely day walk trek through rural Italy.
Run a small country restaurant only open on weekends serving seasonal local produce
Have a spacious parquetry floored hallway
Wear actual rose coloured glasses
Take a classy cocktail class
Dive off my own private verandah into tropical waters
Design neon versions of my paintings
Wear leopard print in a non ironic sense
Sing in public

This ain't necessarily a bad thing. Dreams are a beautiful thing. I never want to have acheived all my dreams.