Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bucket lists

What do we think of them? Like them or not like them? Do you have one? How up to date is it? How long since you managed to tick something off it?

They can be good incentive to get you up off your butt and out there into the world. Some people really enjoy ticking things off the list. For me, I like to make sure that the items are actually possible to achieve....for me. No point having it full of highly improbable things like travelling to space or running a marathon - neither of which I should point actually appeal to me although I know certain friends for which these are very real events.

Basically mine has expired - not that generally I believe in the old 'use by date' concept. Fundamentally I reckon we've become lazy and want  someone else to tell us when it's okay to use a product. Use your brain people!Look at it...smell it.. taste a bit of it. Cheese 'past' it's use by date? - Fabulous it's usually reduced and now it's in peak ready to eat condition! My favourite!

I read some interesting stuff on the interwebs recently ( who knew this thing would take off like it has AND be so useful ) about an art project that harvested bacteria from a variety of human sources and developed some cheese from said innovative bacteria strains. 

Now, I know plenty will disagree with me but I was a little let down that the cheese wasn't actually consumed by anyone. I thought it was such a missed opportunity to close the circle, if you like. Would I have tried it? Probably. I'm not too queasy when it comes to food. Cheese is essentially off milk anyway...

But I digress...gee I've never done that before (you, stop laughing!)

So basically I think I need a new bucket list.

There's a slight problem. I don't seem to want anything. My life is going so well in all aspects that I genuinely don't crave anything. It's particularly annoying for my partner at this festive time of year. 

My list used to include things like - eat a trashy hot dog and drink a beer from a plastic cup whilst watching a baseball game in America, have matzo ball soup in a Brooklyn diner, go to an uber cool NYC club and drink an over priced cocktail that I'd never heard of before. Yes, I see the theme too - food and drink and entirely acheivable.

So what's on my new list - not much so far. Definitely eating and drinking around Spain and Italy. Visit New Orleans with my man who has great passion for the city. But mostly, I think it's to do what I'm doing. Paint, write, cook, walk, laugh, read, talk, meet people, draw, play, take joy in each day and more.

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