I recently entered a competition to develop a podcast. I bought a microphone and all. This was part of my submission. The working title is called 'The Middle Third'
The middle third
When you’re supposed to be on your path already –
When you’re supposed to know if you like Thai food or not-
When you’re supposed to know how to change a flat tyre-
I’m in the middle third of my life, most likely. I have been
to University; I have held full time jobs, even progressed up the ladder within
a company.
I remember being at high school and during that one-on-one
with the careers counsellor saying that I never really want a career. I just
want to earn enough to do what I want to do.
Thirty years on, I guess that’s where I am. I do what I want
to do. I’ve worked hard to get where I am financially and now I’m more or less
doing what I want.
It has been said that on any given project, the first third
goes by pretty quickly and easily due to enthusiasm and excitement. The last
third is motivated by seeing the end in sight. It’s the middle third where
people have a look around.
This is my middle third.
Story ideas
I don’t live your ’up
at 7am, at work by 9am, knock off at 5pm’ work life but it doesn’t make me any
less of a productive part of society. Not out of bed til 10am, I write, I make
art, I read. http://www.vox.com/2016/3/28/11306124/chronotype-night-owl-discrimination
I’ve been seduced by seaweed at times. Scrap booking for
times gone by. Amateur scientists, average Joe experimenting with science,
research, collating of specimens. Collecting in a socially acceptable manner but
not perceived as hard science, but with an aesthetic value http://www.collectorsweekly.com/articles/when-housewives-were-seduced-by-seaweed/
How artists see the world differently? Colours, movement
(interview photographer Uri, Alexander Horowitz book,) kinaesthesia http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-26925271
Ghosts – more than just us here – dreaming of my ex father
in law short story. My view of the world. GOD= combined spirits.
Rabid feminist as I wonder if things are getting better for
women. The feminist icons I read are ageing. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Gloria
Steinem. Are there new women to take the reins? http://stylelikeu.com/the-whats-underneath-project-2/maybe-im-not-fuckable-thats-fine-im-not-fuck/
Different roles/demands of marriage/parenthood. Diane
My friends are leaving their male partners, for themselves
not other men. To explore their desires not even sexual but mental, emotional
needs. To study, to travel, to read, to do nothing, to meditate, to lead a
healthier more balanced lifestyle. What’s the future of relationships? What’s
their expiry date?
Friendship – how it changes. Forgiveness and understanding
that we can approach things differently and that’s ok. Needs nurturing but not
suffocating. They take on a different aspect when one has an intimate partner.
More diversity in friends as I’ve aged – wider ages and backgrounds, differing occupations
but fundamentally shared core values. Reconnection from the past. Face time
over Facebook.
How far can you dismantle a marriage/partnership til it no
longer is a marriage? Open relationships? Long term apart r/ships. Living side by
side I think might be my ideal. Time alone to pursue painting, writing and
thinking space but also time to miss you.
http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/29968/1/blind-fingering-dates-are-london-s-latest-craze This idea tickles me pink. Honestly I can see
positives in this. Surely there are worse things in this world.